Tuesday 2 June 2009

Making an online living...

So, I am starting out in trying to make a living online.... I have been selling as an Amazon associate for the last couple of weeks and have made about £26 for about 40 hours work (including setting up a Twitter account and tweeting). This is not a great hourly rate :) so today I started looking at Adsense - Google put relevant ads on your blog or site and you get paid for clicks... we'll see how it goes ....

Meanwhile I am going to post links and articles about things I have found useful to my business ....

1 comment:

  1. I've not made more than a few dollars from adsense over the course of several months-- but it may be because I keep the ads in an inconspicuous place (my blog is, after all, not really centered around making money). . . I wish you luck!


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